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Things Moms Need in Their Medicine Cabinet

Moms' Medicine Cabinet

Mom’s Medicine Cabinet

As a new mother or experienced mother, there are certain items that you should always have in your medicine cabinet. When the weather is cold outside, this means flu season. This means your child could be getting sick. Warmer weather will be here before you know it, which means more scrapes and bruises. Below is a list of the items that you should always have on hand.

Tylenol (acetaminophen), Ibuprofen (Motrin, Advil)

You never know when your child will wake you up in the middle of the night with a fever or some kind of pain. These medicines will reduce fever, and also relieve minor aches and pains in your children, such as earaches or muscle pains.

Antibiotic Ointments and Hydrocortisone Creams

The type of cream I always have on hand in my medicine cabinet is Neosporin. This creme works great when your child falls down and scrapes their knees, on cuts, etc. It does not hurt your child at all and you can purchase this over the counter at any drug store. It will stop the scrape or cut from becoming infected very easily.


Benadryl works great during allergy season. Allergy season can be in the fall or winter, but some children suffer from them all year long. Also, if you are planning a trip to the ocean make sure you take some Benadryl along with you just in case someone gets bitten by a jellyfish.

Pepto-Bismol or Chewable Antacid

Children and stomach aches go hand in hand, and you should always have both of these items in your medicine cabinet at all times.

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It is always best to have a wide variety of different-sized bandages in your medicine cabinet. You never know when your little one is going to fall down and scrape or cut themselves. Sometimes a Band-Aid can make everything feel better instantly.


Tweezers can come in very handy to help you remove splinters and ticks from your child and yourself.

Digital Thermometer in Medicine Cabinet

A digital thermometer is the most accurate way to take your child’s temperature. You should also keep some extra batteries on hand for your thermometer.

Sunscreen in Medicine Cabinet

If your child is playing outside all day or spending the day at the pool, you should always protect them with sunscreen that has a high SPF, especially for children.

Making sure you have everything you need in your medicine cabinet for your child, will make things go much easier for you. You may need a checklist for this. Go by this medicine cabinet checklist to check your cabinet now, and stock up on the things that you are out of.